A rich-textured, gentle, quickly absorbed and hypoallergenic cream. Fresh easy to absorbe formula with a powerful antioxidant that avoids premature skin ageing and several ingredients that provide instant lifting effect.
MARINE LAVANDER OIL (Lavandula stoechas) For a flash lifting and anti wrinkle treatment. Relaxes and fixes eye contour expression wrinkles by inhibiting muscle contraction favouring wrinkle reduction. LIPOCHROMAN 6: Powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals responsible of premature skin ageing. Created to absorve both types of exisiting free radicals avoiding skin ageing negative effects,protecting cell from irreversible injuries such as structural protein alterations,inhibition of enzymatic activity or cell regulation interferences. DERMOCHLORELLA Green family seaweed extract rich in proteins and aminoacids.It has an effient effect on delicate skin eye contour skin area. Increases colagen formationa and decreases colour intensity of dark and red circles. SILANOL MAURONATE ( ALGISIUM C) Silinol manuronate (algisium C) moisturizes in depth and increases collagen and elastin sinthesy.Reduces erithema and edema. TREHALOSE Disacarid that works as a natural protector in adverse environmental conditions.Keeps moist in skin.
Moisturizes and lifts activating colagen and elastine antioxidant properties that avoid premature skin ageing while reducing dark circles around eyes. Protects eye area from environmental agressions.
Apply in the morning and night around eye contour area while gentle massaging until the product it is absorbed.
The area around the eyes will appear relaxed fresh and protected for a radiant and and brighter look.